Writer Thomas Piperis | ESCAPE Mediocrity
Writer Thomas Piperis | ESCAPE Mediocrity

You are not alone. Going through any condition imaginable, I have survived and made it a purpose to help people reach what seems unattainable, conquer dreams, crushing any obstacle all the while! Over 30 years, I have studied the habits of super achievers, and I pass on their secrets to my readers and coaching clients.

Learn more about my coaching and what I do differently to unlock success and potential on my website! Reclaim what is yours. We walk together!

Medium member since January 2022
Editor of musicando
Connect with Writer Thomas Piperis | ESCAPE Mediocrity
Writer Thomas Piperis | ESCAPE Mediocrity

Writer Thomas Piperis | ESCAPE Mediocrity

Book Author

Dubbed “Data-Driven Story Teller”, Thomas is a Business Communication Pro, Performance Coach and Street Philosopher. I help people escape mediocrity in Life