I met this famous success guru, and here’s what he told me

Serious wealth advice in one sentence.

Writer Thomas Piperis | ESCAPE Mediocrity


Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

I admit I am an addict to email subscriptions. Offer me a catchy title and some stylish email campaign, and I am sold. Over time, I have signed up for over two hundred self-help newsletters. I don’t even need to check whether I am going to learn anything or question my ability to follow through with their content. I just sign up to receive more emails that flood my inbox every single day. I don't know why I am doing it. #fomo?

Give me a relevant pdf for free and I am a tout for that “guru” who will solve my problems. Guru after guru, I have left no one to complain. Indian Gurus, American Coaches, Canadian Millionaires, Asian Masters, Australian Influencers — all have my best email in their list.

Only I hardly ever read their ”solutions”. They sound like so much work. A six-month transformation plan (coming in as an upsell) is no quick fix. I pass on that as soon as I have reached the call to action of the program.

One day a “different” email popped up in my inbox. It read: “You get an hour and a half of private online consultation with Campbell-JD (I have changed the name).
Subscribe NOW for the live event on Thursday! Limited seats remaining.



Writer Thomas Piperis | ESCAPE Mediocrity

Dubbed “Data-Driven Story Teller”, Thomas is a Business Communication Pro, Performance Coach and Street Philosopher. I help people escape mediocrity in Life